
Investigations & Research

“The Survey for Actual Condition of Corporate Mécénat” is conducted every year since 1991 by Kigyo Mécénat Kyogikai (KMK: Association for Corporate Support of the Arts). The subject of the survey of companies in Japan, as well as KMK members of corporations.

About Our Research

Survey for Actual Condition of Corporate Mécénat

The survey gathers cases of mécénat activities and analyzes the current situation surrounding mécénat as well as corporate consciousness towards mécénat. The survey is used to explore how mécénat should be today and its prospects for the future. The results of the survey are presented in the press release issued every fall. These results are presented with hopes that corporate mécénat is widely publicized to the general public. The results of the survey are used by people involved in mécénat, researchers, government and other public offices, local governments, and arts and cultural organizations around the world.

Focuses in our survey cover a wide range of subjects from categories of activity fields, types of supports and finance. Yet, the subjects in this survey is limited only for support on arts and cultures; therefore, those activities conduced for sales promotions or practiced in other popular fields of CSR such as sports, scientific research, welfare, environmental problems are not included.

Research Reports for Actual Condition of Corporate Mécénat


Methods Questionnaire on internet
Subjects Companies all over Japan
Conducted Period Around June and July, every year.
Period subject to the research From April 1st to March 31st in the previous fiscal year of when the survey is conducted.
Contents YES/NO Questions for having practiced mécénat activities/projects by each corporation. For those corporations who have practiced mécénat, questions for where to set a main department, an activity policy, achievements from the activity, how to organize are asked. For those who haven’t, their reasons are requested to answer.
Results “Mécénat Report 2014”, “Research Report 2013”, “Research Report 2012”

“Mécénat Report” (Magazine “Mécénat Note” Special Editions: 2001 – 2010)
“Reports for Actual Condition of Corporate Mécénat” (2006 – 2010)
“Mece Navi” – Database for Mécénat Activities
“Mécénat White Paper” (1991 – 2000. After 2003, it became “Mécénat White Paper Series.”

Corporate Foundations

Methods Questionnaire on internet
Subjects Corporate foundations and charitable trusts which practice subsidized projects or supporting, promoting activities in arts and culture.
Purposes To research mécénat policy and activity practiced by corporate foundations and charitable trusts.
To investigate their topical consciousness and clarify actual conditions of mécénat activities.
Conducted Period Around June and July, every year.
  1. Governing agency, Location, Representative, Sponsor, Asset size, Number of staff etc.
  2. Fundamental policy
  3. Mécénat activities conducted in the previous fiscal year (Activity fields in arts, activity fee, etc)
  4. Other topical questions: topic examples from the survey in 2010
    Influences from the reform of the public-interest corporations system / Influences from the Great East Japan Earthquake such as a change in finance and activity contents / Revitalization of the affected area and people by disaster, the role arts and cultures will play in building a future society.
  • There are several definitions for “corporate foundations.” In this investigation, we apply this term not only to the organizations whose finance is sponsored by a corporation, but an owner of a corporation as an individual.
  • We include organizations which do not place arts and culture as their main field, but have still practiced activities in arts and cultures as the subjects for the survey.