
Arts Fund for the Creation of Society (Arts Fund)

In 2020, we will attract the world attention by the celebration of sports, Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. At the same time, the diverse and various culture across Japan are catching people’s interests, and it is a great opportunity for us to present these local traditions, and to promote new artistic activities and international cultural exchange.

Association for Corporate Support of the Arts regards the year of 2020 as one of the turning points, therefore has set Arts Fund for the Creation of Society (Arts Fund) on the purpose of promoting arts and culture to create the future after 2020.

Future Cultural Creation from Today

2021 is ahead of 2020, yet the future will be shaped by a series of tomorrow from today.  Creation of society though arts and culture starts today; such as protecting traditional and indigenous Japanese cultures and passing them on to next generations, nourishing other countries’ culture to enhance our own creativity, and nurturing of human resources who would be able to connect a wide range of regions and culture.

We, Association of Corporate Support of the Arts, look forward to hearing from everyone who wish to participate this fund program, and at the same time, hope to help the management of the support program to shape the will of donors.

Prioritized Support Activities
  • Regional cultural promotion and social creativity through arts and culture
  • International exchange through arts and culture, and international promotion of Japanese culture
  • Nurturing of human resources responsible for social creativity and of bearers of arts and culture
  • Other activities contributing to the artistic and cultural promotion

Type of Donation

1. Participation to our fund system

We collect donations from companies and individuals. We advertise applications of arts and cultural activities suitable to our requirements, and we will select the grant destinations.
※ donation to Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, will be subject to tax benefits.

2.Make a Purpose Fund
We manage donors’ Purpose Fund to reflect their intentions such as following example:
  • To start culture supporting program as a part of the company’s memorial or anniversary
  • To create donation program that all employees can participate.
  • To boost cultural activities of the shopping district in one’s hometown.
  • To support the cultural exchange with other countries and regions.
  • Want to devote the retirement allowance to the scholarship for young artists.
  • Want to leave a memory of the deceased’s love for arts

*Association for Corporate Support of the Arts manage from the public advertisement to selection according to the purpose of the fund.

3.Support for a particular artistic and cultural activity

You can use our fund system when you want to donate to the regular activities of cultural events and to specific cultural organizations and artists. When Association for Corporate Support of the Arts accepts, you can also use our fund system when you would like to advert for a specific fundraising event if it is not the purpose of making a profit.

How to donate

Remittance from Overseas to Tapan Post Bank Account

Payees in Japan can receive money sent from overseas, either through their Japan Post Bank integrated account or giro account.
* If your detailed information has not yet been verified, make sure to bring identification documents and your passbook to your nearest Japan Post Bank or Post Office savings counter.

Remittance from overseas banks

Remittances in either USD or EUR can be made from overseas banks, via a designated intermediary bank.
The information shown below is required to make a remittance from an overseas bank to a Japan Post Bank integrated account or giro account. Please note that if there are any mistakes or omissions, the remittance may not reach our bank. In addition, if the money remitted is returned to the sending bank, other charges and expenses may be deducted by the intermediary bank.
Please note that remittances to Japan cannot be made from certain financial institutions. For details, please ask your local bank.

Currency (*1) USD EUR
Intermediary Bank (*2) Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas NY Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt
Intermediary Bank BIC(SWIFT Code) BKTRUS33 DEUTDEFF
Beneficiary Bank Japan Post Bank
Branch Head Office
Beneficiary Bank Address 3-2, Kasumigaseki 1-chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8798, Japan
Beneficiary Bank BIC (SWIFT Code) JPPSJPJ1
Beneficiary Bank CHIPS UID (*3) 427593
Payee Account Number (*4) To integrated account 10100-38653441
Name of Payee Account Holder Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai
Payee Address 5- 3-2.Shiba .Minato-ku. Tokyo 108-0014, Japan
Payee Telephone Number (*5) +81 (0)3-5439-4520
* 1 The Japan Post Bank exchange rate will be applied for credits made to the payee’s Japan Post Bank account in JPY.
* 2 The information for the intermediary bank must be included. If no specific space is provided for this information, please write it within an open area on the form. Please note that intermediary charges (handling charges by correspondent banks) will be deducted from the remittance amount.
・Fixed fee of $10 for remittances exceeding $100.
・Fixed fee of €5 for remittances exceeding €100.
Additional intermediary charges may be deducted.
* 3 If remittances in USD are made from financial institutions in USA to a Japan Post Bank account, the CHIPS UID and BIC (SWIFT code) are both required.
If remittances are made from overseas to a Japan Post Bank account, the ABA (Fedwire Code) and IBAN are not required.
* 4 Please note that the code number and account number must all be written together.
* 5 Please include a phone number at which the payee can be reached during the day. In compliance with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law, we may contact the payee to ask about the purpose of the remittance.


Notes Transactions made from the following financial institutions are not necessarily transferred via a designated intermediary bank. (“Intermediary Bank” and “Intermediary Bank BIC” are not required.)(Services may differ, depending on the respective institution. Please check with your local financial institution in advance for details.)
In USD: Republic of Korea (Korea Post)
In EUR: Israel (Israel Postal Company (Israel Postal Bank)),Austria (BAWAG P.S.K),Spain (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA)),Slovakia (Postova Banka a.s.),Serbia (Postal Savings Bank of Serbia),Germany (Deutsche Postbank),Romania (Bancpost S.A),Denmark (Sydbank)


Kigyo Mécénat Kyogikai (KMK: Association for Corporate Support of the Arts)
+SHIFT MITA Bldg. 8F, 5-3-2 Shiba Minato-ku, 108-0014 Tokyo, JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)3-5439-4520 Fax: +81-(0)3-5439-4521

Fund Management Fee

We devote a maximum of 10% of the donation to Arts Fund management fee. They will be used for the research on the fund, selection, other expenses such as public relations (above(1))