
Vol. 1 インタビュー マイ・パフォーミング・アーツ・エージェンシー

Period of Transition ―― My Performing Arts Agency (Malaysia), Their Projects and Their Philosophy
vol.1 インタビュー マイ・パフォーミング・アーツ・エージェンシー、マレーシア
Interview Column 1: My Performing Arts Agency, Malaysia

ブライアン・ジョンソン・ロウエ (創設者・ディレクター) Brian Johnson Lowe (Co-Founder/Director)

My Performing Arts Agency (MyPAA) has been KMK’s local partner in our 3-year global exchange project ‘Research and Conference in Facilitating Corporate Support for the Arts Activities and Establishing a Network in ASEAN Countries’ since 2015, and working closely together to promote corporate culture of supporting arts in Malaysia.



My Performing Arts Agency
Privately owned Malaysian company set up to cultivate an ecosystem in which creative workers are able to do what they do best. With a focus on the arts, MyPAA’s roles include arts management for arts organizations, strategic arts engagement and outreach planning. MyPAA also facilitates connections between artists and funders, between cultural institutions of different countries, and between the arts and public and private sectors.

Q: So please tell me the current MyPAA? Before, I have heard from Izan (Co-founder/ previous Director) that MyPAA would be absorbed in a part of the government.

ブライアン:私たちは現在、移行・変化の時期を迎えています。イザンはマイパを退職し、6月から文化経済発展部署(Cultural Economy Development Unit)を率いるようになります。このユニットは政府機関のマイ・クリエイティブ・ベンチャーズの中にある部署で、首相直下の管轄です。
Brian: We are in a period of transition, Cultural Economy Development Unit will headed by Izan from June, which is under My Creative Ventures, directly under Prime Minister’s Office.

Q: So how did it start up the organization? Did you put your individual own assets? What was the philosophy of this organization that driven you forward?

Brian: Arts in Malaysia is not well developed in terms of ecosystem. There is no funding, there is no cross- monetarization, there is no audience development, and there is no support. There is no tax issues, there are lots of problems. So lot of people are complaining. Nobody could do anything about it. And most of them are artists. Izan and I are coming from mixed background; arts and corporate. So when you wanted to make something change, you need sometimes to do things certainly, so our philosophy is that ‘if you don’t like it, then change it’. And we always are led by the philosophy. It is not written, but it is always there as internal philosophy. Our external philosophy is always to make arts a way of like. Everything we do is national, policy, social, environment and business field. Because there isn’t much arts appreciation here. So whatever we do, we address it in that level.

※1 エコシステム:マイパが定義する「芸術分野におけるエコシステム」とは、アートやクリエイティブにおける起業家のための環境づくりを支援。芸術にたずさわる様々な専門家やアーティストの育成。芸術に触れる機会の増加を指します。
Ecosystem: the ‘ecosystem’ which MyPAA defines, is that supports an environment for creative entrepreneurs, nurture a diverse and highly skilled arts workforce and increase the number of people experiencing arts.

この理念は設立当時と少し変わってきています。当時は解決策を他者に求めていましたが、今は自分たちで解決策を見つけています。例えば、企業メセナ協議会が良い例でしょうか。私たちは常日頃から、マレーシア政府に企業による芸術支援は不可欠であり、そのためにも税制優遇を充実させるべきだと訴えてきましたが誰もとりあってくれなかったのです。しかし、企業メセナ協議会とパートナーシップを組むことで、私たち自らで、解決策を探す手がかりを得ることができたのです。例えば、クアラルンプール会議(2016年8月24日 於:ル・メリディアンホテル クアラルンプール)に来てくださったマレーシア企業を集めてディスカッションする機会を設けたり、フォーラムを開いたりできるようになり、マレーシアにおける課題や解決策を話すことができるようになったのです。
Our philosophy was different from what we are now. We used to seek solutions from other people, now we make our own solutions. For instance, KMK is a good example. We always told the government that we need corporate support and we need tax incentives, but they don’t listen. So this partnership with KMK has allowed us to make other solutions like meeting other corporates, facilitating discussion, talk about problems and solutions.

クアラルンプールにあるマイパのオフィス MyPAA’s office in Kuala Lumpur

Q: What is your organization’s structure?

Brian: We have something called ‘flat structure’, because we don’t have particular rules. We sit anywhere. We don’t like hierarchy. We prefer collaboration. So even if I am the director, I am responsible for certain things. I don’t like to order around people, I also have to deliver something to them as well.

From left to right:Brian (Co-Founder & Director), Monique ( Intern), Armani (Programme Coordinator), Azimy (General Manager), Nurul (Senior Executive), Oscar (Intern)

Azimy runs the office as General Manager, Armani is in charge of website Arteri ( and events. Nurul handles admin and finance. Amy is an Arteri editor. And we have two interns from Holland, which we have a partnership in university in Holland. They have 6 months here, so we have rotation of interns. So generally, we have 4 full-time staff and 2-3 interns.

Q: So how do you measure your achievements? What makes you think it is a success.

Brian: Our aim is to give influence in a change of ecosystem. For example, Borak Arts Series, it is not how many people came. We have a pitch session, with festival directors, artists and people in creative industry participating, and is out of 10 pitched, five of them are picked up to go to Japan or Brisbane, then an impact of them which we can measure in change in those organization that are direct results of our event.

Q: Ok, so please tell me about your own productions, how did they start?


Brian: Borak Arts ( ) came because of problem we found in ecosystem, which was engagement. There is no enough engagement between government, people, arts industry and corporates. They don’t want to talk to each other. So we decided best way to facilitate the situation to have conference. We forced them, and created two-day conference. We created various topic, put one government person, one artist and one corporate in the same panel. That was a disaster! But we knew it was working because we down the barrier as soon as conference was over, lot of people told that they have now access to the government, corporations. Before they didn’t know who to talk to.


マイパのエコシステムチャート・ MyPAA’s ecosystem chart

So platforms are always came up from needs form ecosystem first. Ecosystem chart is our most important document. That is for how we define the problem area and fix it based on how we can add value to the problem.

Q: I see. How about Royal Arts Gala?


Brian: Royal Arts Gala ( came out of the problem of funding. We look at the chart and find the problem mean to at least provide alternative source of funding. Artists at least expect the government to fund them. And when they didn’t, they came and complain. But they didn’t have other alternative of funding. We have tax redemption system, but no body used it. That’s why Izan worked on for this way to access this, then we would be able to cooperate by setting up this Gala. Every dollar you contribute, you get tax break. Every dollar you contribute goes to the government pool, and we cannot touch it. Every corporate who bought a table of Gala, they sit in a committee that decide where the dollar goes to. First year, we collected 3 quarters of million in 3-4 months.

Q: What is your most difficult obstacles you have had to face by running the company?

Brian: Biggest problem of MyPAA is that we are very bad at telling people our impact, our achievements. We are very good with PR and engagement, but when it comes to things about us, as a company, we are bad. In website, there is no impact, or annual report, or we don’t announce what we have done and are planning to do. As I mentioned, we always make conscious effort and measure things internally, we never made conscious effort to measure with intent to report. That needs to change.

Q: How are you recognized and acknowledged in your society?

ブライアン:例えば、国内外においてマガジンやニュース、テレビなどにマイパが取り上げられることもあります。しかし、マレーシア社会において、となると話は別です。この点においては、変えていかなくてはいけないと思っていますし、そのためにはきちんと戦略をたてなくてはいけないのですが、今のところまだどのようにしたら良いのかわかりません。しかしながら、マレーシア社会においてきちんと地位を確立しなくては、私たちの存在意義がなくなってします。これから、文化経済発展ユニットが動き出し、今までマイパが行ってきたこと、提案、資金援助など全てを担うことになるわけです。また、政府機関であるがため、このような情報はすべて一般公開されます。その時、マイパに残るものはいったい何なのか? だからこそ、今きちんとした組織運営戦略が必要になります。
Brian: We have been recognized many ways both nationally and internationally, in magazines, news on TVs, publications in some countries, in our society itself, not so much. It is something that we need to change and it needs to be a plan for it which we don’t have. Otherwise, we will lose our relevance. Now we have all CEDU, which will do all things like advocacy, funding, everything MyPAA has done. But because it is the government and they will be funded by the government, so they have all strategies to publish all things. Then what does that leave to MyPAA? So we need to have strong strategy so that people will understand what is MyPAA. People think MyPAA is a government, government agency or events management company, so lots of real misconception. But nobody says you are ecosystem player.

Q: What is your expectation of partnership with KMK?

ブライアン:文化経済発展ユニットの計画では、今マイパが推進しているCorporate Founders (企業によるマレーシア芸術文化支援団体)を組織化する予定です。マイパは、日本の企業メセナ協議会とこのCorporate Foundersの中間に位置するのが一番良いと思います。もちろん、何かしら定期的にイベントやミーティングなどをする必要はあると思います。よく、「企業メセナ協議会の会議はまた開かれないのですか?」という質問をされます。
Brian: In CEDU plan, we already came that corporate founders are as an organization. So as usual, they don’t have people to run this thing, so MyPAA can be a bridge between corporate founder in Malaysia and KMK Japan. So we must have regular activities together. They are telling us ‘What is next?’

――確かにそうですね。Corporate Foundersも設立できそうです。これからの交流関係にも変化がでてきそうですね。お互いいい方向でパートナーシップを続けていければいいと思います。今日は本当にありがとうございました。
Q: That is true. With the shift happening in Malaysia, it seems that you would be finally setting up Corporate Founder organization. It will give a positive impact on our partnership as well. Hopefully we can move forward together. Thank you so much for today!

Brian: We look forward to our future partnership. Thank you very much!


Interview took place on 2 May 2017
