
Vol. 11 レポート アセアン・カフェ「企業と歩むアジア社会と芸術文化支援 ~3年間のASEANプログラムの成果を踏まえて」前半

Vol.11 レポート アセアン・カフェ「企業と歩む、アジア社会と芸術文化支援 ~3年間のASEANプログラムの成果を踏まえて~」~前半~
Report: ASEAN Café In Partnership with Corporations – Art and Cultural Activities -Achievements and future tasks based on the 3-year ASEAN project- -part1-



Association for Corporate Support of the Arts (Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai: KMK) has been organizing the continuous series of implementing research, mutualexchanges and conferences in collaboration with corporations, foundations, and governments of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore since 2015.
As a conclusion of this 3-year project, KMK held an open discussion ‘ASEAN Café’ to look back over the three years, and to discuss future corporate support for the arts and culture in Asian society.

日時 /Date
2018年2月7日(水)| Wednesday, 7th February 2018
15:00~17:00 [開場14:30] | 15:00-17:00 [Door Open 14:30]

会場 | Venue
損保ジャパン日本興亜日本橋ビル 2F 202会議室 | Conference Room 202, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Nihombashi Building 2F
東京都中央区日本橋2-2-10 |2-2-10, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

1.インドネシア | マルコ・クスマウィジャヤ 氏
2.マレーシア | ブライアン・ジョンソン・ロウエ 氏
3. シンガポール | コリン・ゴー 氏

■プレゼンテーション①:マルコ・クスマウィジャヤ氏(都市研究ルジャックセンター ディレクター/インドネシア)

Presentation by Marco about his Rujak Center for Urban Studies and Indonesian support for the arts

■プレゼンテーション②:ブライアン・ジョンソン・ロウエ氏(マイ・パフォーミング・アーツ・エージェンシー 共同設立者・ディレクター/マレーシア)

Presentation by Brian about his My Performing Arts Agency and Malaysian public and private support for the arts

■プレゼンテーション③:コリン・ゴー氏(ライスカンパニー 共同設立者・経営責任者、ミレット・ホールディングス 常務理事/シンガポール)


Presentation by Colin about his the RICE Company and Singaporean support for the arts

質疑応答| Q&A

―― 日本でNPOをしています。日本政府は相談は聞いてくれますが、具体的なヒントはいただけません。また政府や企業の助成金に申請すると本体が赤字だと大きな額の助成金は降りません。しかし、赤字だからこそ助成金がほしい。マレーシアやインドネシア政府の理解の違いだったり、政府を巻き込んでやっていくにはどうしたらいいのかアドバイスをいただけると嬉しいです。
Q: I run a NPO in Japan. The Japanese government listens to the consultation, but concrete advice or hints are not available. Also, when you apply for government or corporate grants, if the organization is in the red, you will not receive a large grant. However, because we are in red, we want a grant. Are there any differences in interaction with the governments of Malaysia and Indonesia? Could you give me some advice on how to involve and engage with the government?

Brian: Yes, MyPAA has been working with the government for 6 years. The difference is because we decided to become private, to take it upon us to ourselves to do this initiative, bring together other sourcing of funding, community founds trust of MyPAA.

We realize the way funding in Malaysia as quite simple. The government funds, and artists take it. There is no closure, there is no way to know whether funds were used for work, what work, where, who involved, and who were paid. So we changed the model. So we look at corporates. As a government policy, any organizations and corporations who actually funds arts, can get a tax break. The problem was that the policy was so vague, nobody knew how to access the policy. Artists never knew the policy existed.

So MyPAA went and opened it up, straightened up the policy and used it as a platform for fundraising, called Royal Arts Gala. It is a one night performance with best dancers, performers, and singers in Malaysia, attended by the King and Queen of Malaysia. At this event, corporations bought tables which is 50,000 RM per table. It is a normal fundraising strategy, but the difference is they receive a tax break. Interestingly we raised three-quarter million in 3 months. So this shows there is an appetite for funding arts and being involved. We took all money, put them in a bucket called Royal Arts Gala Fund, created online system, where artists can apply directly. Corporates who bought the tables sent one representative to this selecting committee and they can decided which artists to fund. So we raised 750,000 RM in 3months, and all were dispersed after that.

In coming back to your questions, sometimes you need to do it by yourself. You need to make that change you want to see, and everyone who are waiting for the change will come in, support you and help you.

Marco: My experience is quite similar. Indonesia government had 2-3 issues. One, overtime, we didn’t know about the government fund. Second, the rules were very difficult to comply. And finally, artists have to understand the government’s responsibility and accountability.

For example, our facility in Jog Jakarta was funded by the government. At that time, based on a personal inquiry to the minister of that time asking my advice for arts development programs. I had an idea as well, so the government told me, ‘we have a fund for that, why don’t you write a proposal?’ So I wrote it and got the fund. I didn’t know there was a fund within the government until they told me. The government had funded many people but only fund the same artists, and nobody has done anything about it.

People said to me, ‘you are now talking with the minister, can we change it?’ I cannot change on my own, but through these connections, yes. You just need to change it as long as you don’t go against the law. It is important for leadership who will be willing to become a bridge between the government and artists, possibly to create new.

Q: A lot of artists are gathering to you. For example, do you have any tricks or strategies in order to gather 100-200 ?

Colin: We have been in arts for long long time, working for benefits for the artists. In Singapore, arts are not old, rather new and vibrant. RICE focuses more than 30% of Singaporean communities, making sure they enjoy benefit of arts for last 10 years. No one go without arts.

Funding are all there. But another problem is where is employment? Everyone can be artists, but need to solve money problem. RICE uses a new funding mechanism how corporations can be useful for investment, to earn money, and continue to support arts. It took 2 years to put this model together.

If you are serious about arts, you cannot rely on only the government, donation and sponsor all the time. You need alternative, so that arts community would grow.
