
Vol. 15 レポート ASEANプロジェクトを通じて得られたもの、そして今後に向けて

Vol.15 レポート ASEANプロジェクトを通じて得られたもの、そして今後に向けて
Report: Through ASEAN Project


Association for Corporate Support of the Arts (Kigyo Mecenat Kyogikai: KMK) has been conducting the continuous series of implementing research, mutual exchange and conferences since 2015, funded by Japan Foundation Asia Center, in facilitating corporate support for the arts and establishing a network in ASEAN countries.

~これまでの活動~ | – Activity so far –

This 3-year project started with a conference held in Jakarta on 8th March 2016, continued to Tokyo Conference on 27th May, then Kuala Lumpur Conference on 24th August on the same year, and Tokyo Conference on 26th January 2017. These conferences incorporated with research visit programs which allowed participants to visit local corporations, organizations, and arts facilities to deepen mutual understanding between each country. Through the project, we were able to witness exciting initiatives in both Indonesia and Malaysia, towards the establishments of intermediately support organizations to encourage and promote corporate support for the arts.

3年目となる2017年は、アセアン諸国の中でもメセナについて先進的な活動を行っているシンガポールを訪問し、アーツカウンシル シンガポール(NACS)やドイツ銀行などのグローバル企業、継続的な活動を可能にする新しい枠組みで活動するライスカンパニー等を訪問し、政府が積極的に芸術文化政策を行い、企業もその方針のもと、それぞれの企業理念、特性に基づいてメセナ活動を行っている姿を実感し、学ぶことが多かった。
In 2017, the third year of this project, KMK and its corporate members visited Singapore, a country who has been engaging in more advanced arts support activities among other ASEAN countries: in particularly, National Arts Council Singapore who initiates the government-led support programs and grants for the arts, foreign-affiliated Deutsche Bank who continues to implement long-term arts support activities engaging with local communities in Asia region, and The Rice Company, a local company who introduced a new framework of supports to develop the sustainability in arts activities. We were able to see hands-on experiences and approaches that each corporate undertakes to support arts based on their corporate philosophy and business characteristics as well as alignment with the government policy. It was also interesting to learn how actively the government initiates the arts and cultural policy to accumulate Arts Excellency in Singapore.

~3年間の成果がみえた「ASEAN CAFÉ」~ |- Achievement of 3 years and “ASEAN CAFÉ” –

2018年2月7日には、東京で今までのプロジェクトの総括ともなる3年間の成果を踏まえた国際会議「ASEAN CAFÉ」を東京で開催した。
On 7th February 2018, KMK held an international conference “ASEAN CAFÉ” in Tokyo to sum up this 3-year ASEAN project. Featured speakers were our local partners, Mr. Marco Kusumawijaya from Indonesia (Rujak Center for Urban Studies), Mr. Brian Johnson Lowe from Malaysia (My Performing Arts Agency), and Mr. Colin Goh from Singapore (Rice Company). “ASEAN CAFÉ” also invited two Australian guest speakers from the international seminar on the previous day (‘Relationship between corporations and arts
– Case studies from Australia’ on 6th February), and participants from various backgrounds such as corporates, NPOs, public institutions, and research institutions, joined this passionate and exciting discussions and exchange.

What stroked me most from the presentations by three guests and Q&A session, was that all three countries are gradually but certainly developing as nations with the power of arts and culture. Three years ago, it was our KMK’s role to introduce Japanese advanced corporate support for the arts to them, and to support their learning process, but at ASEAN CAFÉ, we were able to witness corporate support activities in their countries have gradually increased and vitalized in accordance with their national circumstances. After ASEAN CAFÉ, those who had previously collaborated in ASEAN countries, said, ‘it is really changing’ with surprise. We, Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, are very grateful that this 3-year ASEAN project, which was implemented with the financial aid of Japan Foundation Asia Center, could contribute in some way to cause a positive change in the progress of corporate support for the arts in ASEAN countries.

~今後に向けて~ |- For the future –

Although this project will end this year, KMK will continue to keep our conversation and cultural exchanges through our network with ASEAN countries. It is our philosophy to respect each other’s culture, to encourage each other, and to contribute to the enrichment of arts in the creative and vibrant society.

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who have devoted and supported this ASEAN project since 2015. Thank you very much.

企業メセナ協議会 | Association for Corporate Support of the Arts
澤田 澄子 | Sumiko Sawada (Secretary General)
